Ganja, December 27, 2016. "Bridge to the future" Youth Public Union (BF PU - Ganja), National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic (AEC), Entrepreneurship Development Foundation (EDF) held the Round Table on the theme of "Entrepreneurs of Ganja are engaged in entrepreneurial activities" within the framework of Micro Enterprise Support Project implemented with the financial support from USAID.
Entrepreneurs operating in various spheres in Ganja, university professors, representatives of the Ministry of Economy, NGO members and experts attended the event.
Sabit Bagirov, President of the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation made an opening speech, and Vugar Zeynalov, vice-president of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic welcomed the participants.
Ilkin Garayev, head of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Support Center made the presentation on the theme of "Development Perspectives of small enterprises in Azerbaijan. Where does the Strategic Road Map pass through?" After the presentation, Ilkin Garayev answered the questions of participants. Entrepreneurs from Ganja delivered speeches on the subject.
After the break, Galib Togrul, head of the Economic Research Center, made the presentation on the theme of "Importance of Public Private Dialogue and its ways to develop". After the presentation, discussions were held around the theme, entrepreneurs from Ganja delivered speeches.
V. Zeynalov and S. Bagirov made final speeches in the event.