Reports on transparency in the extractive industry. Sabit Bagirov. January 10, 2023.
Crowdfunding, crowdinvesting and crowdlanding: What can Azerbaijan gain from these methods? Sabit Bagirov. November 30, 2020
Efficiency issues of large state enterprises. Rasim Həsənov. September 19-20, 2020.
Prospects for increasing the efficiency of management in the telecommunications services sector in Azerbaijan. Rovshen Agayev. September 20, 2020.
Normative acts to increase the efficiency of large state enterprises. Abil Bayramov. September 19, 2020.
Transparency and accountability in SOCAR's activities. Samir Aliyev. September 19, 2020.
Evaluation of the activity of “Azerbaijan Railways” CJSC. Azer Mehtiyev. September 19, 2020.
Azerigas Production Association in the shadow of the State Oil Company. Ingilab Ahmedov. September 20, 2020.
Central banks are paying more attention to digital currency. Sabit Bagirov. June 24, 2020.
Efficiency indicators. Nargiz Ahmadova. June 7, 2020.
Privatization of state enterprises. Lala Hamidova. May 27, 2020.
Evaluation of the activity of “Azerbaijan Railways” CJSC. Azer Mehtiyev. May 27, 2020.
Ways to increase the efficiency of "Agrarian Stocking up and Supply" OJSC, which purchases agricultural and food products by the state order. Vahid Maharramov. May 13, 2020.
Corporate governance. Farid Mehralizade. May 13, 2020.
Open Budget Review 2019. Ingilab Ahmedov. May 7, 2020.
Open Budget Index 2019: Azerbaijan's position. Azer Mehtiyev. May 07, 2020.
REPORT on research to increase the efficiency of state companies (on the example of Azersu OJSC). Rasim Hasanov. April 24, 2020
STATE ENTERPRISES AND GOOD GOVERNANCE. State enterprises operating in the air transport sector: AZAL. Abil Bayramov - Head of the Center "Towards Civil Society" (Public Union). April 17, 2020.
Lesson 1. What does entrepreneurship mean?
Lesson 5. Business idea and its evaluation
Lesson 6. What is a business plan and why you need it
Lesson 7. Confectionery business.
Lesson 8. Beauty salon business
Lesson 10. Licenses and permits
Lesson 11. Financial resources for business
Lesson 13. Loans from the Entrepreneurship Support Fund
Lesson on taxes 1. Basic concepts. Presentation by Radil Fatullayev
Lesson on taxes 2. General information about simplified taxpayers. Presentation by Radil Fatullayev
Lesson on Taxes 3. Simplified Taxpayers for Production, Services and Retail Activities
Lesson on taxes 4. Simplified tax for public catering establishments
Lesson on taxes 5. Simplified tax for entrepreneurs providing transport services
Lesson on taxes 6. Simplified (fixed) tax for individuals
Lesson on taxes 7. Simplified tax on cash
Lesson on taxes 9. General information about income (income) taxpayers
Lesson on taxes 10. Deductions from wages of employees
Results of a survey of 500 women small businesses. Ilkin Garayev. (November 14, 2018)
Some suggestions on the "Azerbaijan standard" of HSS reporting. Sabit Bagirov (September 14, 2018)
How to Write a Policy Paper? Kenan Aslanli (June 27-28, 2018)
Open Budget Survey 2017. Ingilab Ahmadov (April 2, 2018)
Index of budget transparency for 2017: Azerbaijan. Azer Mehtiyev (April 2, 2018)
ICO: Regulations, Opportunities, Threats. Sabit Bagirov (March 15, 2018)
Behavioral economics: Why do smart people make stupid decisions? Ingilab Ahmadov (January 17, 2018)
"Digital Economy, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency", Sabit Bagirov (December 13, 2017)
"Digital Economy, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency", Sabit Bagirov (November 17, 2017)
REPORT on monitoring the current state of judicial protection of the rights of small and medium entrepreneurs (Abil Bayramov)
Increasing the financial access of small and medium enterprises in Azerbaijan (Samir Aliyev)
Mechanisms for securing small business loans: international experience and current realities of Azerbaijan (Rovshan Agayev)
Are taxpayers happy with e-opportunities? (Rapporteur: Sabit Bagirov)
Promotion of women's entrepreneurship by the European Commission. Dr. Antal Sabo, former UN Regional Adviser, Scientific Director of the ERENET (Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities). April 18, 2017.
Promotion of women's entrepreneurship in selected European countries. Dr. Antal Sabo, former UN Regional Adviser, Scientific Director of the ERENET (Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities). April 18, 2017.
Portraits of perfect businesswomen from Europe. Dr. Antal Sabo, former UN Regional Adviser, Scientific Director of ERENET (Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities). April 18, 2017.
Institutional support for women's entrepreneurship. Mrs. Daiva Jonuskiene, Siauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Art. April 18, 2017.
Impact of the situation in the banking sector on SMEs and expectations. Samir Aliyev. April 12, 2017
Discussion of the latest amendments to the Tax Code dated 01.01.2017. Galib Togrul. January 18, 2017.
Prospects for the development of small business in Azerbaijan. Where does the Strategic Road Map go? Ilkin Garayev. December 27, 2016.
Importance and ways of development of state-business dialogue. Galib Togrul. December 27, 2016.
Ways to increase the export potential of business entities. Gubad Ibadoglu. December 23, 2016.
ASAN support for the family business. Elchin Ibrahimov (Ministry of Economy) and Elvin Shirinov (ABAD public juridical person). November 18, 2016
Public-private dialogue. Galib Togrul. November 18, 2016
Problems of lending to small and medium enterprises in Azerbaijan. Samir Aliyev. November 18, 2016
How does the violation of the presumption of innocence affect the litigation in which entrepreneurs participate and their business? Abil Bayramov. October 28, 2016.
Registration of farmlands: have the problems been solved ?. Samir Aliyev. October 28, 2016
Results of the second survey of 1,000 small businesses. Ilkin Garayev. October 26, 2016
Strategic planning. Gubad Ibadoglu. September 23, 2016.
Training on Public-Private Dialogue (PPD). Galib Togrul. September 16, 2016.
Law on Mediation. Abil Bayramov. September 17, 2015.
Car services: Current situation, problems, and solutions. Galib Togrul. May 06, 2015
Agribusiness SMEs and small farms in Azerbaijan. Sabit Bagirov. April 15-18, 2015. Presented at Konrad Adenauer Stiftung's SMEs and SMALL FARMS IN AGRIBUSINESS event in Turkey
Entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan. Ilkin Garayev. December 09, 2014
The current state of production in covered soils (greenhouses): traditions, opportunities, and advantages. Vahid Maharramov. November 5, 2014
Legislative requirements for the organization and operation of greenhouses: findings and recommendations. Galib Togrul. November 5, 2014
Franchising - as an alternative business development model. Elnur Islamov. October 1, 2014.
"Proposals on amendments to the legislation to reduce the documents, time and costs required during import-export operations". Gubad Ibadoglu. July 11, 2014
Results of a survey of women in 2,000 households. Ilkin Garayev. July 2, 2014
Mechanisms regulating the application of labor contracts in Azerbaijan: problems and ways to improve. Rovshan Agayev. June 24, 2014
Proposals on "Amendments to the legislation to reduce the existing procedures and deadlines in the field of issuing construction permits." Sabit Bagirov. April 23, 2014.
Assess the current business environment in the baking business. Rajab Imanov. April 09, 2014
Presentation of proposals on improving corporate governance and protection of investors' interests, Gubad Ibadoglu. April 09, 2014
Submission of proposals on amendments to the legislation to reduce the documents, time, and costs required during import-export operations. Gubad Ibadoglu. April 09, 2014
Discussion of additional measures related to the business environment and entrepreneurship development in Azerbaijan. Sabit Bagirov. April 04, 2014
Issues of improving the law on state support for small businesses. Ilkin Garayev and Sabit Bagirov. January 22, 2014
Mechanisms regulating the application of labor contracts in Azerbaijan: problems and ways to improve. Rovshan Agayev. October 2, 2013.
Identification of administrative barriers to street trade. Gubad Ibadoglu. September 27, 2013.
Licensing of entrepreneurial activity: foreign experience and Azerbaijan. Kenan Aslanli. June 14, 2013.
Inspection Reforms: Needs and Recommendations, Hasan Abdullayev (IFC). Ilham Abdullayev (IFC). Baku, December 19, 2012
Interpretation of the ECO report on the situation of small businesses in Azerbaijan. Ilkin Garayev, Small, and Medium Entrepreneurship Development Support Center. Baku, December 19, 2012
Azerbaijan's place in the Index of Economic Freedoms - based on research by the Heritage Foundation and the Frazer Institute. Aykhan Nasibli. December 19, 2012.
Entrepreneurship: Initiatives and successes - NGO approach. Israyil Isgandarov. October 19, 2017
Small business law for Europe and its application in Azerbaijan. Dr. Ragib Quliyev. December 19, 2012
Entrepreneurship and SMEs in Turkey. Necla Haliloglu. December 19, 2012
Georgian SME development policy. Paata Sheshelidze - President of New Economic School - Georgia. December 19, 2012
Small Entrepreneurship Support Project (2012-2017). Dr. Sabit Bagirov. December 19, 2012.
USAID Competitiveness and Trade (ART) Project in Azerbaijan. Dr.Daniel Fitzpatrick. December 19, 2012.