October 15, 2014. Today the Round Table on the theme of “Competition Code: Expectations” was held in the conference room of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers’) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic. Organizers of the event were Small and Medium Enterprise Development Support Center (SMEDS) and the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation (EDF). The event was organized within the framework of the project “Micro-Enterprise Support” implemented by the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation with the financial support of USAID.
Representatives of local and international organizations, entrepreneurs, and experts attended the round table. Mr. Eldar Gojayev – a prominent lawyer made a presentation on the theme “Fair Competition is the basis of the market economy”. He noted that the Competition Code draft is being discussed currently in Milli Majlis and the Code can be adopted in the autumn session of the Parliament. Mr. Eldar Gojayev also brought the attention of participants to several provisions of the Code and gave examples from competition law of world countries and stressed the importance of taking advantage of the international experience during the process of preparation of the Code. After the presentation, he answered questions addressed to him.
Then, Mr. Sabit Bagirov – the President of EDF invited participants of the round table to the free discussion. He noted that everybody should be interested in a more favorable business climate and called everybody to take an active part in the discussion of the Code. Experts and entrepreneurs noted some of the deficiencies in the discussion and mentioned their suggestions. As a result of the discussion, the necessity of addressing to the Ministry of Economy and Industry, Milli Majlis and the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan were noted in order to organize extensive discussions for taking into account points of view of all interested parties with the participation of entrepreneurs, experts, and other interested parties.
The report: “Fair Competition is the basis of the market economy” Author: Eldar Gojayev