July 2, 2014. Today the Round Table on the theme of “Results of the Survey on Women’s Entrepreneurship” was held by the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Support Center and the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation in the conference room of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers’) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic within the framework of the project “Micro-Enterprise Support” implemented by the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation with the financial support of USAID.
The Round Table was attended by women entrepreneurs, representatives of NGOs and business associations, lawyers, and experts.
In the opening of the event, participants were welcomed by Mr. Sabit Bagirov – the Chairman of the EDF and Ms. Natavan Mammadova – the Secretary-General of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers’) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic. Thereafter, Ilkin Garayev – the President of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Support Center reported on the theme of “Results of the Survey on Women’s Entrepreneurship”. After the report, discussions were held on the subject.
The Round Table was concluded with the closing speech of Mr. Sabit Bagirov – chairman of the EDF.
The report: “Results of the Survey on Women’s Entrepreneurship”. Author: Ilkin Garayev