11.02.2014. The round table discussion was held in the framework of Micro Enterprises Support Project funded by United States Agency for International Development. It was organized by Economic Research Center (ERC) and Entrepreneurship Development Foundation (EDF). The event took place in the conference room of the National Confederation for Entrepreneurs. Representatives of various think-tanks, business associations, local and international organizations, educational institutions as well as local entrepreneurs participated in the event.
Sabit Bagirov, president of EDF greeted the guests and gave small overview of MESP project as well as history of public-private partnership in Azerbaijan and joint projects that have been done so far. The speaker said that the ERC group of experts, along with a survey of the state-business cooperation opportunities have also prepared drafts of laws and regulations in order to create legal framework in this sphere. Speaking of the importance of cooperation of state agencies and the private sector, the president of EDF noted that during the event there will be discussion on the research results and presented legislative acts and gave word to ERC expert Galib Togrul.
In his speech Galib Togrul spoke about current trends and foreign experience in the sphere of public and private cooperation. Expert mentioned that in-depth study of international experience can be usefull asset in the future application of public-private cooperations.
Galib Togrul discussed goals of public-private cooperation and wide range of benefits and shortcomings for both parties (government and business). He also spoke about creation of Business Cooperation Development Center that can facilitate the implementation of this type of projects in our country.
Then, the speaker gave information about presented drafts of legislative acts prepared during the project: draft law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Public-private Cooperation, draft of regulations on "Preparation of tender documents and tendering rules for the private-public cooperation projects of Azerbaijan Republic", draft of regulations on "Formation of tender commissions for selection of business partners in the private-public cooperation projects of Azerbaijan Republic".
Event was finalized with discussion on the topic and Q&A session where guests shared their views about research, presented laws and regulations and noted the importance private and public cooperation.