The overall objective of the project is to create a favorable business environment for the growth of small businesses. Carried out with the financial support of USAID, this project is a partnership of six NGOs. They are:

1. Entrepreneurship Development Foundation (EDF- Baku);

2. Small and Medium Enterprise Development Support Center (SMEDSC - Baku);

3. World Carpet Asssociation (WCA- Guba region);

4. Economic Research Center (ERC- Baku);

5. Support for Economic Initatives Public Union (SEI - Baku)

6. "Bridge to the future" Youth Public Union (BF PU - Ganja).

In order to reach goal of the project partner organizations will try to fullfill three main objectives such as:

1. Improve the dialogue and interaction betweeen the state and civl society on issues affecting the development of MSEs

2. Improve the legslative and institutional framework for the MSE enabling environment

3. Proveid  practical assistance to MSEs, in parcitular for women-owned, family businesses to improve their viability and successful development

How can we ensure fulfillment of all the objectives? For this purpose we are planning to implement activities in the following spheres:

- Study problems that MSEs face;

- To improve legislative framework;

- To intitiate national policy  on business enabling envrionment;

- To advocate for institutional and legislative;

- To develop  mechanisms to help protect MSEs from corruption and unfair application of laws;

- Increase public awareness about legislative framework and potential changes;

- Enhance women’s engagement in business.

Project consist of seven componenets:

1. Study of problems MSEs face and policy recommendation;

2. Legislative framework on business enabling envrionment;

3. Institutional framework on business enabling environment;

4. Mechanism to protect MSEs from bureaucratic arbitrations;

5. Increased competitiveness and efficiency of MSEs;

6. Enhanced women’s engagement in business

7, Access to finance;

After project completion number of institutional events, mechanism and practices will be applied.  Through them  country's civil society organizations, entrepreneurs, think tanks  will play an active role in shaping the country's economic development and local conditions. As a result:

- Mechanisms that support equal opportunities and equal competition better  will be established in national legislation;

- Collaboration platforms  and work experience that leads to consensus will be created;

- Experience to build policy consensus and collaboration platforms will be created;

- Desire to establish own businesses and personal income of people will rise