Baku, Park Inn Hotel, April 18, 2017 - A seminar on the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship and Women's Business Associations was organized by the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation. The seminar was attended by women entrepreneurs from Baku and the regions, heads of women's business associations, representatives of ministries and experts.
The seminar was opened by Sabit Bagirov, Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation, who spoke about the importance of developing women's entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan.
Then spoke Ms. Randall Olson, Director of the US Agency for International Development's Office of Management and Economic Sustainability. She stressed the important role of women's entrepreneurship in the country's economy.
In the first session of the seminar, the former UN Regional Adviser, Scientific Director of the ERENET Network of Experts, Dr. Antal Sabo made a presentation on the state policy on the development of family and women's business in European countries. She spoke about the Beijing Platform for Action and its strategic goals, adopted at the 4th UN Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. In his speech, Mr. Sabo touched on the results of women's entrepreneurship, noting that women make up about 40% of the global workforce. She also spoke about the European Entrepreneurship Initiative and the Women's Entrepreneurship Index. Speaking about the world experience in the field of women's entrepreneurship, the speaker listed the best countries for women's entrepreneurship, where the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom are in the top three.
In the 2nd session of the seminar, Dr. Antal Sabo reported on EU support programs and directives for women's business. In her speech, the speaker spoke about the experience of European countries such as Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany in the field of women's entrepreneurship. She then spoke about the Canvas Business Model, the European Network for the Promotion of Women's Entrepreneurship, and the European Network of Women Entrepreneurs. Later, Dr. Antal Sabo told the success stories of women entrepreneurs from Azerbaijan and around the world. She said that there are women entrepreneurs in the world who can manage both family life and business at the same time.
After the lunch break, Ms. Daiva Yonushkiene from the Shiauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and the Arts gave a presentation on the experience of establishing and operating women's business associations in the Baltic States. The presenter's presentation was more interactive and took place against the background of discussions with women entrepreneurs. In her speech, Ms. Daiva spoke about the position of the European Economic and Social Committee, quotas in the field of women's entrepreneurship, and world experience in the field of women's entrepreneurship. Speaking about the Lithuanian experience, Ms. Daiva said that 39% of Lithuanian board members are women. He said that cooperation between the government and the private sector is very important for successful results in the field of women's entrepreneurship, and the government should use all existing institutions in this area.
In the second part of the presentation, Ms. Daiva reported on the development of women's networks and shared her experience of establishing the Lithuanian Women Entrepreneurs Network and the importance of networking in the field of women's entrepreneurship.
Presentation: Portraits of excellent women entrepreneurs in Europe. Dr. Antal Szabo, UN ret. Regional Adviser, Scientific Director of ERENET Q & A
Presentation: Promotion of women entrepreneurship in by the EU. Dr. Antal Szabo, UN ret. Regional Adviser, Scientific Director of ERENET Q & A
Presentation: Promotion of women entrepreneurship in selected Europian Countries. Dr. Antal Szabo, UN ret. Regional Adviser, Scientific Director of ERENET Q & A
Presentation: Institutional support to women entrepreneurship. Mrs. Daiva Jonuskiene, Siauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts Q & A