Prof. Rasim Hasanov possessesmore than 40 years’ experience as a researcher, advisor and government official. He graduated from Azerbaijan State Oil and Chemistry Institute in 1977. He started fellowship career in the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR in 1980. He successfully completed his first PhD degree in 1985 and took the degree of doctor of economic sciences in 2003. In 2009 he became corresponding member of the Azerbaijan Engineering Academy and since 2010 he is professor of economics.
As a researcher, prof. Hasanov began his career at the Institute of Cybernetics at the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR in 1977 and worked here until joining to Scientific-Research Institute of Economy under State Planning Committee of Azerbaijan SSR in 1988. In this institute, he worked as scientific secretary and department supervisor (1988-1994), deputy director (1994-1995) and director (1995-2002). He also was director of Research Institute for Economic Studies under Azerbaijan State University of Economics during 2009-2015.Since 1985, he has been working at various universities as part time associate professor (1985-2006) and professor (2006- up to now).
In the public activity field, prof. Hasanov served as a director of Review and Analysis department (2002-2005) and head of staff at the Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Azerbaijan(2005-2008).He participated in a number of inter-governmental and scientific conferences representing former Soviet Union (1983-1991) and Republic of Azerbaijan (1997-2011). During 1999-2003 he wasnational coordinator of Azerbaijan on economic reforms in Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO).
During his professional activity, prof. Hasanov conducted a number of research projects relating to the challenges of Azerbaijan economy; formulation of national economic policy; macroeconomic management and improvement of state economic control; assessment of the economic foundations of social choice and preparation of functional, sectorial and regional concepts and programs of socio-economic development; the mechanism of state management of the economy; increasing efficiency and effectiveness of using public resources; improvement of financial, fiscal policy and financial control mechanisms; economic security issues; integration of Azerbaijan economy into global economy and the development of geo-economic relations and etc. supported by Ministry of Economy (formerly Ministry of Economic Development), Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Economic Cooperation Organization, Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Euroasia Partnership Foundation and other local/international think tanks.