Mr. Galib Bayramov is an economist from Azerbaijan whose research focuses on in problems national economics. He is graduated of Azerbaijan State Economic University, 1990/95.
Mr. Bayramov is also one of the famous journalists. He was head of the “Economic Department” and deputy Editor-in-Chief in the one of the leading newspaper, so-called “525-ci gazet” until 2005. After 2005 Head of Media and Anti-Corruption Department in the Center for Economic and Social Development, 2005-2009, researcher in the Economic Research Center (ERC), 2009-2011, from 2011 until the present day chairman of ERC.
During his work at ERC, Mr. Bayramov has held several positions. He was a senior program officer at the project Strengthening Local Self-Governance in Central Aran region of Azerbaijan Republic, which was funding by Oxfam GB and project assistant in the project Strengthening Transparency and Accountability in the Municipalities, which was funding by GIZ, Germany. He has rich experience at the local governance and Open Government Partnership projects.
Mr. Bayramov is a co-author of the “Municipalities taxes”, “Identifying existing barriers to export procedures (Example, pomegranate juice export)” and author of several policy paper on “Toward to sustainably economic development and social equilibrium”, “On cost determination at import procedures, upgrading operation in this field and building new potential: In the case of fish and poultry feed import”, Trainer in the projects “the role of Trade Union Organizations in carrying on collective negotiations and concluding of agreements”, Public-Private Dialogue, Open Government Partnership and Public Participation.
He is alumni of Open World proqram, which is operating American Council in Azerbaijan. Whithin this program, he has learned the experience local governance in in Maryland State, USA, in May, 2011.