Vahid Maharramov is one of the leading experts in agriculture in Azerbaijan. In 1989 he graduated from the Leningrad Agricultural Institute. He is a scientist-agronomist.
Field work experience Deputy director at Russian Federation, Pskov province, Pitalov region Rural vocational school #19. Head agronomy at Azerbaijan Republic Shamkir region Industry Unity. Director at Azerbaijan Republic Shamkir Region Sovkhoz “Ingilab”. Counselor at Azerbaijan Republic Baku city “Gara Torpag” LTD Company. Counselor at Ganja Regional Center of Special Section Development Assistance to Agriculture of Azerbaijan Republic. Counselor, Project Coordinator at Azerbaijan Republic Baku city “ Daghlar Nemati” LLC.
Mr. Maharramov was researcher in the Economic Research Center from 2011 until the 2014.
Mr. Maharramov 1986-1988 – was one of organizers to create Farmer Agriculture of Agriculture and to investigate new methods on agrarian sector at Pitalov region of Pskov province of Russian Federation research. 1988-1990 - Prepared contact terms carried out economic primary calculations to create Farmer Agriculture at Shamkir Region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Mr. Maharramov author of several policy paper on “Influence of global climate changes to agrarian sector”, “Extension of DRC Analysis”, “Small farms in order to ensure the rapid development of long-term objectives”, “The Agricultural Credit Guarantee Fund, "Land degradation natural and anthropogenic factors", "Which deals with the production of greenhouse conditions faced by small entrepreneurs to identify administrative barriers", "Strengthening the role of the municipal environmental protection", expert in the projects “Seed Fertilizer and Pesticide Dealers Association”, “State support for agriculture development trends and develop a package of recommendations on improvement”.
Mr.Maharramov was trainer on the projects “Soil Degradation: natural and anthropogenic factors”, “Raising awareness on protection of soil fertility among land users and public advocacy”.
In recent years, Azer Mehtiyev has conducted researches into business and investment climate in Azerbaijan as well as elimination of administrative and other obstacles to entrepreneurial development in various areas of economy.