№136 - 14.11.2018. Topic: Conference "Development of Women's Entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan" within the Global Entrepreneurship Week. 2nd panel
№135 - 14.11.2018. Topic: Conference "Development of Women's Entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan" within the Global Entrepreneurship Week. 1st panel
№134 - 21.09.2018. Topic: The role of civil society in transparency reporting in the extractive industries. The program was produced by the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation with the support of the Council for State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the draft "Azerbaijan Standard" Report on Extractive Industries Transparency Reporting. Participants: Ingilab Ahmadov (Khazar University Professor) and Azer Mehdiyev ( Associate Professor of the University of Economics). Presenter: Sabit Bagirov (Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation).
№133 - 14.09.2018. Topic: "Round table on" Azerbaijan Standard "of transparency in the extractive industry. The program was produced by the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation with the support of the Council of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan" Development of the "Azerbaijan Standard" " Developed by. Participants: Representatives of government and public organizations, scientists, experts.
№132 - 13.09.2018. Topic: "Azerbaijan standard" of transparency reporting in the extractive industry. The program was prepared by the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation with the support of the Council for State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the project "Development of the" Azerbaijan Standard "draft of the Extractive Industries Transparency Report".
Participants: Ingilab Ahmadov (professor at Khazar University) and Azer Mehdiyev (associate professor at the University of Economics). Presenter: Sabit Bagirov (Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation).
№131 - 05.09.2018. Topic: Comparative analysis of web resources of international transnational oil companies. Participants: "Economic Forum" Expert Group.
№130 - 08.08.2018. Topic: National Business Platform of Belarus. Participants: Yaroslav Romanchuk (Economist-scientist, Belarus) and Sabit Bagirov (Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation). The program was prepared by the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation with the support of the US International Center for Private Entrepreneurship (CIPE).
№129 - 01.08.2018. Topic: Monitoring of government programs and strategic roadmaps. Participants: "Economic Forum" Expert Group.