01.10.2014. Bakı – The Round Table on the topic of “More efficient ways to use franchise opportunities in Azerbaijan” was held in the conference room of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers’) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic by the Economic Research Center and the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation within the framework of the Micro-Enterprise Support Project implemented by Entrepreneurship Development Foundation with the financial support of USAID.
Lawyers, representatives of various public unions, consulting companies, associations related to entrepreneurship, and experts attended the round table.
Mr. Sabit Bagirov – President of EDF welcomed participants of the round table and indicated statistics about the number of companies engaged in franchising in various countries of the world and brought to the attention of participants that franchising is very widespread in the modern world. Then Mr. Elnur Islamov - the President of the Business Group Consulting Company gave a speech on the topic of “More efficient ways to use franchise opportunities in Azerbaijan”.
Mr. Elnur Islamov gave brief information about franchising and stressed the importance of franchising as an alternative development model for business in Azerbaijan. He informed about the international experience in this sphere and noted the efficiency of this activity as a business model as well as franchising perspectives for Azerbaijan. He also brought to the attention of participants the information about Azerbaijan Franchising Center (AFC).
Then Mr. Rashad Aliyev – Legal Consultant of AFC continued the speech and informed about legal aspects of franchising, articles of the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan regarding franchise relationships, and franchising contracts.
After the report, speakers answered questions addressed to them. Discussions around the topic were held.
Round Table ended with the closing speech of Mr. Sabit Bagirov – the President of EDF. Mr. Bagirov spoke about perspectives of franchising in the development of entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan. He noted that a special guideline regarding the franchising for entrepreneurs is being prepared and soon will be published.