09.04.2014. The round table on the improvement of areas indicated in the Decree of President of Azerbaijan Republic from March 3, 2014, and on results of a study on determination of administrative barriers in bakery business was held in the framework of Entrepreneurship Development Foundation’s (EDF) Micro Enterprises Support Project by the financial support of US Agency for International Development (USAID). Event organized by Economical Research Center (ERC) and EDF took place in the conference room of the National Confederation for Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic. Representatives of different ministries, business associations, local and international companies as well as lawyers and field experts participated at the meeting.
After greeting the president of EDF Sabit Bagirov and chairman of ERC Galib Togrul gave the floor to the project expert Rajab Imanov who gave a presentation on the topic “Results of study on determination of administrative barriers in the bakery business. Development of the guide.”
After the discussions project expert Gubad Ibadoglu gave a presentation on the topic of “Development of corporate governance and presentation of proposals to protect interests of investors.” The topic was proceeded by discussion.
After the break, Gubad Ibadoglu gave one more presentation on the topic of “Proposals for law amendment to reduce the number of documents, cost and time needed for import and export operations”. After the discussions and Q&A session, Sabit Bagirov concluded the event.
Evaluation of the business environment in the bakery industry. Rajab Imanov, project expert.
Development of corporate governance and presentation of proposals to protect the interests of investors. Gubad Ibadoglu, project expert
Proposals for law amendment to reduce the number of documents, costs, and time needed for import and export operations. Gubad Ibadoglu, project expert
Çörəkbişirmə biznesində mövcud biznes mühitinin qiymətləndirilməsi. Rəcəb İmanov, layihə eksperti.
Korporativ idarəetmənin təkmilləşdirilməsi və investorların maraqlarının qorunması ilə bağlı təkliflərin təqdimatı. Qubad İbadoğlu, layihə eksperti.
İdxal-ixrac əməliyyatları zamanı tələb olunan sənədlərin, müddət və xərclərin azaldılması üçün qanunvericiliyə dəyişikliklər edilməsi barədə təkliflərin təqdimatı. Qubad İbadoğlu, layihə eksperti.