On December 09-10, 2014, training was held for young women who want to become entrepreneurs in VEGO Hotel, Ganja. Organizers of the event were Entrepreneurship Development Foundation (EDF) and Small and Medium Enterprise Development Support Center (SMEDS). The event was held within the framework of the project “Micro-Enterprise Support” with the financial support of USAID. Young women entrepreneurs and experts attended the training.
The event is the US Agency for International Development (USAID) with the financial support of the "support the development of small business in Azerbaijan" was organized under the project. The training was attended by young women entrepreneurs and experts. Mr. Sabit Bagirov - president of EDF welcomed the participants and informed about the project.
Thereafter, in accordance with the training program, Mr. Ilkin Garayev – (Head of Centre for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises) and Mr. Elkhan Mammadov (Director of UM Consultancy Company) continued the event.
Presentation: "The entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan” Author: Ilkin Garayev