On September 23, 2016, in the Conference Room of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic (AEC), the training for Business Associations on the theme of the "Strategic Planning in Associations" was held by the Economic Research Center (ERC) and the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation (EDF) in the framework of the Micro-Enterprise Support Project.
Representatives of business associations and representatives of various social organizations attended the training.
Sabit Bagirov – President of the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation made opening remarks at the training. Vugar Zeynalov, Vice-president of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic greeted the attendees. Then, Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu made a presentation on the theme of "Strategic Planning in Associations: Purpose, mission, and goals".
Gubad Ibadoglu continued his presentation with the themes "Evaluation of the development strategy of associations: SWOT and BEEM Analysis". Then, the trainer made a presentation on "Analysis of interest groups and the establishment of the matrix".
After the presentations, the participants were divided into 4 groups among themselves and training continued with discussions in groups.
After the coffee break, teams made their presentation, and discussions were held on presentations. The training covered the topics on what is a strategy, strategy - tactics, strategic planning, organizational management, strategic management, components of strategic management, strategic planning, strategic planning process, SWOT and BEEM analysis, analysis of interest groups.
At the end of the training, discussions were held around training topics and the participants were informed about future training programs.
Presentation: Gubad Ibadoglu: Strategic Planning (az.)