12 March
Discussion of Policy Paper written by Latif Zeynalli Presentation: Perfection of the policy of development of human capital in Azerbaijan (Latif Zeynalli) |
06 March 2019
Discussion of Policy Paper written by Lamia Khudiyeva Presentation: The main directions of reforms on the development of sea tourism in Azerbaijan (Lamia Khudiyeva)
February 2019
Discussion of Policy Paper written by Iskandar Babazadeh
20 February 2019
Discussion of Policy Paper written by Fuad Akber Presentation: Biznesin elektrik təchizatı şəbəkələrinə qoşulma imkanlarının və Azərbaycanın “Doing Business”də reytinqinin yaxşılaşdırılması (Fuad Akber)
06 February
Discussion of Policy Paper written by Ibrahim Niftiyev Agenda Presentation: The problems and solutions of economic activity of women in oil-rich countries: Azerbaijan example (Ibrahim Niftiyev)
06 February 2019
Discussion of Policy Paper written by Ramziyya Gurbanova Presentation: Improvement of legal and institutional mechanisms to effectively use the potential of health tourism (Ramziyya Gurbanova)
30 January 2019
Discussion of Policy Paper written by Nargiz Ahmadova Presentation: Increasing SMEs’ access to finance in Azerbaijan through the capital market (Nargiz Ahmadova)
23 January
Discussion of Policy Paper written by Farid Mehralizadeh Presentation: Tarazlı regional iqtisadi inkişafın təmin edilməsi üçün yeni təşviq mexanizmlərinin tətbiqi imkanlarının qiymətləndirilməsi (Farid Mehralizadeh)
16 January
Discussion of Policy Papers written by Khatai Aliyev and Orkhan Sultanov Presentation: Azərbaycanda fiskal dayanıqlığın təmin edilməsinin həlli yolları (Khatai Aliyev) Presentation: Ali təhsilin dövlət büdcəsindən maliyyələşmə mexanizminin keyfiyyətli təhsili stimullaşdırması yolları (Orkhan Sultanov)
09 January 2019
Discussion of Policy Papers written by Mehin Jabrailova and Ulvi Adilzadeh Presentation: Ways of enhancing the effeciency of vegetable export promotion policy (Ulvi Adilzadeh)
28 December 2018
Discussion of current tasks of economic reforms and prospective joint projects CIPE – EDF Agenda< /p> Participants < /p> |
12 November
Discussion of current tasks of economic reforms and prospective joint projects CIPE – EDF Participants |